Friday, December 11, 2009

Call for papers: Feminist Review

Feminist Review is one of Palgrave's most widely distributed and successful international journals. Please find below the second call for papers for a special issue of the journal which will be published in October 2011 with details of how to submit via the online submission system. The initial deadline for articles for consideration is March 2010. We welcome expressions of interest from contributors.

Special Issue of Feminist Review - 'Media transformations '

Call for papers

Boundaries between production and consumption, and between previously discrete media practices are dissolving. This special issue of 'Feminist Review' will analyse how rapid shifts in contemporary media processes and practices are impacting on women ' s engagement with communications and production as well as the representation of marginalized groups. Current developments such as Web 2.0, networking, online distribution and mobile media will be explored in the context of gendered histories of media production and reception.

The intention is to look at change and continuity in the uses, practices, aesthetics and theorization of the media in the light of the growth of new pervasive technologies. We are hoping that the issue will explore the following
questions: How do new media technologies affect gendered authorship and agency? How does age and generation intersect with gender with respect to the uses of 'old' and 'new' media? What cultural and historical variations are there in terms of the meanings and impact of media and communications technologies?

Illustrated, reflective pieces by digital media practitioners are welcome and samples of work discussed may be uploaded to the Feminist Review website:

Possible topics might include:
'Alternative' media and feminist activism; networked cultures; gender, life histories and blogs; gender and authorship; women ́s cinema; questions of distribution; media employment; `post- convergence ́; ethics and representation; media processes; gender and media education

Submissions for the issue are welcomed from now until 30 March 2010. Articles should be between 6,000-7,000 words in length. An abstract of 200-300 words should accompany the article, plus a list of up to six keywords suitable for indexing and abstracting services. Detailed instructions on how to submit (electronic submission only) can be found at We also welcome shorter pieces of creative or analytical writing (up to 1000 words, or 4000 words for interviews) or visual material on the theme for our 'Open Space' section. These pieces may be topical and/or polemical. They are not sent out to be peer-reviewed, but are selected by the editors of the issue.

Enquiries about the issue should be sent to Lizzie Thynne ( or Dr Nadje Al-Ali (